Plant Power: The Power of Plants in a Changing Climate

Welcome to Plant Power: The Power of Plants in a Changing Climate, a new series brought to you by the North Carolina Botanical Garden. Through interviews with some of North Carolina’s finest naturalists, explore the conversation about native plants and their connection with our changing climate. Each episode is focused on providing resources to listeners to mitigate climate change impacts in their community. Tune in to our 6 episode mini-series for information on topics like land conservation, protecting our pollinators, and turning to nature as a source of healing.

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Plant Power podcast cover. The words Plant Power and the NCBG logo are in white on a dark purple background.

Resources for each episode

Episode 1: Power of Plants Introduction

  1. Toward a Theory of Plant Blindness, from
  2. What’s Really Warming the World, from Bloomberg Businessweek
  3. The “New Environmental Paradigm”, from The Journal of Environmental Education

Episode 2: All that’s Green Isn’t Good

  1. Controlling Invasive Plants, from North Carolina Botanical Garden
  2. Native Plants by Zip Code, from Audubon

Episode 3: Climate Resiliency in Seed Collection

  1. The contribution of botanic gardens to ex situ conservation through seed banking, from ScienceDirect
  2. Good websites to explore: Center for Plant Conservation , Millennium Seed Bank, Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Episode 4: Land Conservation

  1. Native Trees and Shrubs for Your Garden, from the North Carolina Botanical Garden
  2. Common Trees of the North Carolina Piedmont, from OpenKey
  3. FloraQuest App available for Apple products on the App Store
  4. A Landscape Plan for Wildlife Habitat Connectivity in the Eno River and New Hope Creek Watersheds, North Carolina, from the North Carolina Botanical Garden
  5. Duncan, Wilbur H., and Duncan, Marion B. (2000). Trees of the Southeastern United States. University of Georgia Press.
  6. Contact your local botanical garden for the best tree ID reference guide for your area

Episode 5: Nature’s Role in Healing

  1. What if… poem by Kai Siedenburg 
  2. Why Gardening Is So Good For You, from Huffington Post 
  3. Benefits of Outdoor Time Begin at Just 120 Minutes a Week, Research Shows, from 
  4. Podcasts to Take You Outside While You’re Stuck Inside, from Daily Maverick
  5. The Earthbody Institute

Episode 6: Pollinators and Native Ecosystems

  1. The Bees of North Carolina: An Identification Guide, from NC State Extension
  2. The Xerces Society
  3. Pollinator Partnership
  4. Chatham Mills “Pollinator Paradise” Gardenfrom NC State Extension
  5. Conserving Bees on Farmland, from Michigan State University
  6. Native Bee Benefits, from Bryn Mawr College and Rutgers University


Host & Editor: Emma Wilson
Producer: Janna Starr
Content team: Johnny Randall, Jennifer Peterson, Emma Wilson, Janna Starr
Podcast Artwork: Courtney Starr
Music: Terri Bocklund