Gardening with native plants restores lost connections between plants and wildlife.

A native plant grows naturally in a place rather than having been introduced by humans. Unlike many common ornamental plants, native plants have evolved with the local climate and wildlife and provide important food sources and habitats for native animals.

We have a rotating selection of native plants for sale, propagated right here at the North Carolina Botanical Garden. Didn’t find what you were looking for? Here are other native plant vendors we recommend.

Plants that are not native to the southeastern United States and that have become aggressive invaders of natural areas pose a serious threat to biological diversity. These invasive plants, such as Chinese wisteria, Japanese honeysuckle, autumn olive, and Japanese stiltgrass, should be removed whenever possible.

Native plant gardening

Gardening for biodiversity

Invasive plants to avoid

Edible Plants


Booklet cover. Reads "Controlling Invasive Plants" with the NCBG logo and images of several common invasive plants

Download our free Controlling Invasive Plants booklet!

Now in its third edition, this resource covers common invasive plants in the North Carolina Piedmont and the best ways to get rid of them.

Download the PDF.






cover of Wildflowers of the Atlantic Southeast bookWildflowers of the Atlantic Southeast is an authoritative trail-side reference for hikers, naturalists, gardeners, and anyone wishing to learn more about our region’s diverse plants.

The guide, written by NCBG director Damon Waitt, Herbarium director Alan Weakley, and botanist and editor Laura Cotterman, features over 1,200 common wildflowers with photographs and range maps.

Order the book today!

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Ask the Green Gardener!

The Green Gardener is a free public service offered by our horticulture staff and trained master gardener volunteers. Submit your native plant gardening questions to our experts!