Nancy Craft Coile

(b. 1940 )

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium (NCU) has cataloged approximately 150 vascular plant specimens collected by Nancy Craft Coile.  Most specimens curated by NCU were collected in Elbert County, Georgia.  Frequent co-collectors included her spouse, Robert Coile, and her children, Danielle & Robbie Coile.

Van Loan, Andrea (2002) Best Wishes Nancy Coile.  Wildland Weeds 5(4):  15.

Nancy Craft Coile will be retiring from the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, Division of Plant Industry (FDACS) on July 31st [2002], after eleven years of service to the citizens (and flora) of Florida.  Nancy’s career in botany has been diverse, and dedicated to the flora of the southeastern United States.

After getting her daughter [Danielle] and son [Robbie] into school, Nancy began working as a technician at the University of Georgia Herbarium [GA] in 1973.  While at the University, Nancy completed both a Master’s degree and a Ph.D. in botany.  Nancy has held the positions of Curator of the University of Georgia Herbarium, and faculty member of the Biology Department at North Georgia College (NGC) in Dahlonega, GA.  At NCG, Nancy realized that she missed working with plants and left for a position with FDACS.

For the past eleven years, Nancy has served as Botanical Administrator with the FDACS Division of Plant Industry.  Her duties have included working with endangered plant species and noxious weeds, providing nomenclatural support for DPI nursery inspectors, conducting biodiversity studies, and a range of other projects having to do with the green plants she so enjoys.  Nancy has been a member of the FLEPPC [Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council] Plant List Committee for the past six years and has served the council in a variety of roles, including serving as a source of invasive plant identification assistance both within and outside of the FDACS.  Nancy has also served as both an Executive Committee Member and Association Secretary with the Association of Southeastern Biologists; Editorial Board member of Castanea; and President of Southeastern Appalachian Botanical Society.

Nancy’s interests include plant taxonomy, entomology, conservation and education, and most importantly, her four brilliant and beautiful granddaughters and her outstanding and handsome grandson.  In addition to spending more time with her grandchildren, Nancy’s retirement plans include gardening, knitting (for her grandkids of course), becoming a quilting wanna-be, and working on the background information for a book project she is considering.  Nancy and her husband Robert Coile plan to be “modified snowbirds,” maintaining their home in Florida and enjoying the “glorious” spring seasons at their home in Athens, GA.  Please join us in wishing Nancy the best that life can offer as she embarks upon the much-envied adventure of retirement.


PUBLICATIONS (incomplete list):

Smith, Gerald L. and Nancy C. Coile (2007)  Piptocarpha (Compositae:  Vernonieae).  New York Botanical Garden Press:  Flora Neotropica Monograph, Issue 99.

Coile, Nancy Craft (1993)  Florida’s Endangered & Threatened Plants.  Florida Dept. of Agric. & Consumer Serv., Div. of Plant Industry, Issue 29.

Coile, Nancy Craft (1992)  Pinks, Pinked and Pink!  Fla. Dept. Agric. & Consumer Serv., Division of Plant Industry, Botany circular issue #26.

Jones, Samuel B., Jr. and Nancy C. Coile (1988)  The distribution of the vascular flora of Georgia.  Athens, GA:  Dept. of Botany, University of Georgia.

Coile, Nancy Craft (1988)  Taxonomic studies on the deciduous species of Ceanothus L. (Rhamnaceae).  Ph.D. Thesis, University of Georgia, Athens, GA.

Jones, Samuel B., Jr. and Nancy C. Coile (1980?) Checklist of the vascular flora of Clarke County, Georgia.

Coile, Nancy Craft (1979)  Flora of Elbert County, Georgia.  Athens, GA:  University of Georgia.

Coile, Nancy C. (date?) Notes on Florida’s endangered & threatened plants.
Coile, Nancy C. (date?)  The Georgia plant list:  a list of the Georgia plants in the University of Georgia Herbarium.
Coile, Nancy C. (date?)  Common plants of Florida’s aquatic plant industry:  section 3 of aquatic plant inspection manual.
Coile, Nancy C. (date?)  Checklist of the vascular flora of St. Catherines Island, Georgia.
Coile, Nancy C. (date?)  Which Boston fern is it?:  The exotic Nephrolepsis cordifolia (L.) Presl, or the native Nephrolepsis exaltata (L.) Schott.
Coile, Nancy C. (date?)  Chenopodium ambrosioides L. (Chenopodiaceae):  Mexican-tea, wanted weed?
Coile, Nancy C. (date?)  Tropical soda apple, Solanum viarum Dunal:  the plant from hell (Solanaceae).
Coile, Nancy C. (date?)  Poison-ivy (Toxicodendron radicans (L.) Kuntze) and its relatives in Florida.
Coile, Nancy C. (date?)  Notes on nomenclature of Citrus and some related genera:  in 3 parts, alphabetical by scientific name, by common name, and common cultivars.
Coile, Nancy C. (date?)  Urtica chamaedryoides Pursh:  a stinging nettle, or fireweed and some related species.