b. 1937
The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium (NCU) has cataloged 42 vascular plant specimens collected by Patrick W. Carlton. As cataloging of the collection continues, more will be found. Most of Carlton’s specimens at NCU were collected in North Carolina between 1958 – 1959. Other herbaria curating specimens collected by Carlton include Arizona State University (ASU), University of Kansas (KANU), Indiana University (IND), Texas Tech University (TTC), University of Southern Mississippi (USMS), University of Michigan (MICH), Carnegie Museum of Natural History (CM), Georgia Southern University (GAS), University of Colorado Museum of Natural History (COLO:V), Western Carolina University (WCUH), and The Pennsylvania State University (PAC).1 As of June, 2024, no specimens collected by Carlton have been cataloged at Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (VPI).1
Carlton earned an Associate degree in Liberal Arts at Louisburg College in North Carolina, then a Bachelor degree in Botany from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He continued at Carolina to earn a Master degree in Education. He moved to Shippensburg University in Pennsylvania to earn a Master degree in History. He returned to Chapel Hill to earn a Ph.D. in Educational Administration.2
Carlton spent the majority of his professional career at Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University. “Dr. Patrick Carlton is an educational administration and international programs specialist whose areas of expertise include higher education and public school infrastructure development and administrative applications implementation; historical research and training; communication skills training; leadership skills development; policy development; employee assessment; institutional design and organizational development. He has worked for the past thirty years as both employee and consultant with state and federal governments, colleges, universities and public school, primarily in the United States, in a variety of institution building projects.”2
In 2000 Dr. Carlton became a faculty member of University of Nevada Los Vegas, serving as a Professor of Educational Leadership and a Professor of Public Administration.3
Carlton, P.W. (2006) “Preparing the Next Generation of Educational Administrators: An Application of Philosophy, Theory and Pedagogy in ‘Real World’ Settings.” In Barry A. Lanman and Laura Wendling, eds., Preparing the Next Generation of Oral Historians: An Anthology of Oral History Education. Baltimore: Alta Mira Press, pp. 381-392.
Carlton, P.W. and Crawford, J.R. (2006). Using Oral History Interviews in Graduate-Level Instruction: Student Perspectives. School Leadership Review, 1(2), 2-10.
Carlton, P.W. (2005) “A Community of Professionals: Locally-Based Public School Principals Share Their Craft Wisdom With the World,” in Reflections and Interpretations: Oral History Centre 25th Anniversary Publication. Singapore: National Archives of Singapore, 117-126.
Carlton, P.W. (2004) Perceptions of Leadership: Retired principals as exemplars of best practice. NCPEA Educational Leadership Review. 5(2), 18-23.
Carlton, P.W.(2002) Oral history and the professor: an academic epiphany. The Oral History Review. 29(2), 7-9.
Carlton, P.W. (2001) The Practice of Leadership: The Life and Times of Joshua L. Chamberlain (Rev. ed.) 94 pp. Available: http://www.unlv.edu/faculty/pcarlton/EDA750.html
Carlton, P.W.(2000) Leadership. The Torch Magazine. 74(1), 25-30.
Carlton, P.W. (1998) Principals and the practice of leadership: what does experience teach? AASA Professor. 21(3/4), 27-34.
Carlton, P.W. (1997) Meeting the global challenge: transforming education at Virginia Tech. International Education Forum. 17(2), 151-157.
Carlton, P.W. (1995.) Interest-based collective bargaining at Youngstown State University: a fresh organizational approach. Journal of Collective Negotiations in the Public Sector. 23(4), 333-343.
Carlton, P.W. (1994.) Interest-based collective bargaining at Youngstown State University: an oral history. Youngstown, Ohio: Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor.
Carlton, P.W. (Summer, 1994.) Civil affairs operations in Kuwait: a case of disparate command priorities. Army History. No. 31, 14-22.
Carlton, P.W. (Winter, 1994). Leadership styles of veteran public school principals. Playback. 2-3.
Carlton, P.W. (Spring, 1993). Joshua Chamberlain: A role model for today’s administrators. The AASA Professor. 15(4), 1-4.
1. SERNEC Data Portal. 2024. http//:sernecportal.org/index.php. Accessed on June 24.
2. The Oral History of Principalship. Resume: Patrick W. Carlton. Virginia Tech. https://scholar.lib.vt.edu/faculty_archives/principalship/carlton.html
3. https://www.library.unlv.edu/faculty/research/principalship/director.html