Working Committees
Like many non-profits, much of the board work happens at the committee level. Learn more about how the Foundation operates by reading its committee structure below.
Executive Committee — Chair, NCBGF President Carol Tresolini
According to the By-laws, the Executive Committee includes all officers, up to four at-large Board members, the immediate past president, and the Director of the North Carolina Botanical Garden (NCBG). The Executive Committee meets monthly and carries on all business of the Board with the exception of amendments to the By-laws. The Executive Committee is responsible for defining and executing the strategic plan of the NCBGF.
Audit Committee — Chair, Terry Ball
The Audit Committee oversees the annual independent financial audit process including engaging the North Carolina CPA firm and reviewing the annual audit report. It is also responsible for reviewing the annual information return (IRS Form 990).
Conservation Committee — Co-Chairs, Jodie LaPoint and Janis McFarland
The Conservation Committee works with the NCBG Conservation Department to oversee management of the conservation lands of the Foundation. Specific tasks involve: the evaluation of land prioritized for conservation by the Botanical Garden Foundation in terms of conservation value; making recommendations to the Executive Committee about these lands; ensuring that management plans, legal documents, and other requirements are in order; monitoring whether or not it is an appropriate time to pursue accreditation through the Land Trust Alliance and assisting the NCBG Conservation Department with that process; and maintain an insurance policy on conservation lands through the Land Trust Alliance.
Development & Membership Committee — Co-Chairs, Pat Holder and Gail Perry
Fundraising and advocacy for the Garden are part of the job description of all Directors of the Foundation. The focus of this committee is to support the annual fundraising and capital project efforts of the Garden, and to support the continued success of the Foundation membership program. This committee specifically helps coordinate efforts to identify and introduce individuals, foundations, and businesses to the Garden, who have the potential to advance the plant conservation mission.
Finance Committee — Chair, NCBGF Treasurer Niels Lameijer
The NCBGF Treasurer will chair a finance committee and will work with the financial officer of the North Carolina Botanical Garden in the oversight of all income and expenditures of the North Carolina Botanical Garden Foundation and will be responsible for developing annual budgets of the Foundation. This committee evaluates the investments of the Foundation and recommends any changes to the Executive Committee. Reports of this committee are made to the Executive Committee and at full Board meetings.
Governance Committee — Co-Chairs, April Johnson Choice and Erik Lensch
The Governance Committee (GC) ensures that the Foundation Board of Directors (Board) has an effective structure, clear roles, and processes. The GC is responsible for the annual review of Board member and officer terms, and Board officer recruitment. The GC coordinates the annual process to identify, recruit and recommend potential new and renewing Board members. It plans and oversees the orientation process for new Board members, including integration into the Board and committees. The GC conducts annual reviews of Board By-Laws, Policies and Procedures, and the Board Agreement that all new Board members sign, and it ensures the annual updating and distribution of the Board Handbook. The GC also analyzes Board learning needs and plans retreats or other activities to meet those needs.