Elsie Julia Gibson Whitney

women, who are in constant peril. “The station work is disorganized and neglected, and the native community further demoralized and increasingly unruly. As a basis for my charges of gross…

Robert Rolland Brinker, O. F. M.

…upon the completion of his masterpiece, the roast suckling pig. He was chief cook on summer school trips to Florida and the Southwest and would work equally hard to produce…

Maeburn Bruce Huneycutt

…a complicated man—I found letters from students who had him as a professor many years ago. They continued to write him and obviously had very deep affection for him,” says…

Mary Steed Stipe Eyles

…and then transferred to Emory, one of the first women admitted there. At Emory she met her future husband Don E. Eyles in the office of biology professor Woolford Baker….

Philip Jerome Crutchfield

…Kennedy Special Warfare Training Center. Mr. Crutchfield will assist with the collection and preservation of plants from all over the world. These plants are those which will provide food, shelter,…

Thomas Fanning Wood

…Thomas Fanning Wood, born February 23, 1841, in Wilmington, North Carolina, was the son of Robert Barclay and Mary Ann (Wilber) Wood. Young Wood attended several local schools. While at…

Charles Fuller Baker

…to his own, for using the tropics as a great laboratory in which to enrich human knowledge. A work fraught ab initio with disappointment! A quest implicit with futility! Baker…

Elbert Thomas Bartholomew

…for the summer of 1912 which he spent at Wood’s Hole Biological Station. He was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1914. His research was concerned with “A…

Walking with Walter and William

…Pine stands,” says Bruce Sorrie.1 By “well-managed” Sorrie means using prescribed fire and not raking pinestraw from the woodland. Overall, the forests of Weymouth Woods are burned every three years….

Edward Avery McIlhenny

…Auk, “The passing of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker”: One of the mysteries of Nature that has puzzled me for many years is the passing of the Ivory-billed Woodpecker (Campephilus principalis), a…