Wreath Making with Native Plants
Free On Demand Class with Wendy Wenck
Below, Wendy Wenck, retired curator of the NCBG Herb Garden and Totten Center landscapes, leads you through a wreath making demonstration using plants native to the Southeastern U.S.
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Plant species native to the Southeastern U.S. that Wendy recommends for wreath-making include:
Trees and Shrubs
- Agarista populifolia, Florida Dog-hobble
- Ilex opaca, American Holly
- Ilex vomitoria, Yaupon Holly
- Magnolia grandiflora, Southern Magnolia
- Pinus taeda, Loblolly Pine
- Pinus palustris, Longleaf Pine
- Tsuga canadensis, Canadian Hemlock
- Andropogon virginicus, Broomsedge
What do you do with your wreath at the end of the season?
You can save the base for another wreath. The greenery can be composted, but the wire cannot. Remove the wire carefully and put in the trash or include in appropriate metal wire recycling. If you make a wreath with material that still looks good dried, including dried grasses, that can be saved for another year and accents can be added as you like in the next season.
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