The North Carolina Botanical Garden is a conservation garden. Our guiding mission is to inspire understanding, appreciation, and conservation of plants and to advance a sustainable relationship between people and nature.

What's Happening

2025 NC Wildflower of the Year

We are excited to announce this year’s North Carolina Wildflower of the Year, common blue curls (Trichostema dichotomum). This annual member of the mint family grows in dry woodlands and roadsides in eastern North America.

Starting in January: Open Sunday mornings

Starting on January 5, 2025, the Garden will be open on Sunday mornings, making our hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays in 2025. Making the Garden more…

Bird-Friendly Landscapes Program Series

This fall and winter, we’re teaming up with the New Hope Bird Alliance to present Bird-Friendly Landscapes, a series of programs and exhibits that explores the intricate links between native…

Don't get caught without one!

Home of the Venus Flytrap License Plate

North Carolinians have a new specialty license plate to choose from at the DMV! Order it today by mailing in a paper application; online ordering through NCDMV is coming soon.
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The North Carolina Botanical Garden Foundation is the non-profit membership organization that supports the North Carolina Botanical Garden. When you become a member of the Foundation, you support the Garden’s conservation mission and enjoy a suite of member benefits.