by Carol Ann McCormick, Herbarium Curator and Priscila Arellanes Ramos, Herbarium student worker In the past few months my husband and I have twice visited the monadnock known as Jomeokee,…
2025 NC Wildflower of the Year
We are excited to announce this year’s North Carolina Wildflower of the Year, common blue curls (Trichostema dichotomum). This annual member of the mint family grows in dry woodlands and roadsides in eastern North America.
Starting in January: Open Sunday mornings
Starting on January 5, 2025, the Garden will be open on Sunday mornings, making our hours 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesdays through Sundays in 2025. Making the Garden more…
Gardening in a Fall Drought
by Bao Anh Tran, Communications Intern I hate to admit that I might be the only student employee at the North Carolina Botanical Garden with a black thumb. However,…
Plant Specimens on the Move: Bustin’ Up the Scrophs
Bustin’ Up the Scrophulariaceae By Carol Ann McCormick, Curatrix One certainty in life is change. Sometimes change is for the better, sometimes change is for the worse, and sometimes change…
Flora Wambaugh Patterson
(15 September 1847 – 5 February 1928)5 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium (NCU) curates a single fungus collected by Flora Wambaugh Patterson: Cyphella cupressi collected “from…
Further Afield: Caraway Creek Preserve in Randolph County
by Carol Ann McCormick Curatrix, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium (NCU) On a recent Sunday in October it was chilly in the early morning but the forecast…
Bird-Friendly Landscapes Program Series
This fall and winter, we’re teaming up with the New Hope Bird Alliance to present Bird-Friendly Landscapes, a series of programs and exhibits that explores the intricate links between native…
NatureFest – for families!
Join us on Saturday, October 19 from 1-4 p.m. for NatureFest: a FREE, family-friendly celebration of our native plants and animals! Explore the wonders of nature through fun, hands-on activity…
NCBG Therapeutic Horticulture in Armenia and Poland
We are thrilled to share that Emilee Weaver, our Therapeutic Horticulture Program Manager, has safely returned from her impactful training and consultation trip to Armenia and the Poland-Ukraine border….