About NCBG Associates

The North Carolina Botanical Garden (NCBG) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNCCH) benefits from efforts and collaboration of individuals not regularly in its employment. In this context, NCBGseeks to develop a network of collaborating associates and associate organizations conducting scientificinquiry into the natural world or otherwise advancing a sustainable relationship between people and nature.

These “NCBG Associates” can be regularly employed individuals, free-lance scholars/professionals, or non-profit organizations using their own financial resources for investigating research questions or providing education/outreach programs that are similar in scope and focus as NCBG. By making NCBG Associate appointments, NCBG recognizes the contributions of these individuals and organizations,indicates the association of the appointee with NCBG, and establishes a basis for preferential use of Garden facilities as deemed appropriate and authorized by the institution and in accordance with its rules and regulations.

What is a NCBG Associate?

A NCBG Associate is an individual who engages professionally in NCBG’s research program; conducts original scientific research; publishes in scientific peer-reviewed journals and more popular venues; presents the results of their research at professional meetings and more popular outlets; provides service activities to NCBG and for the larger community; or, provides education opportunities at NCBG facilities or outreach services with NCBG partners that current staff cannot accommodate.

An NCBG Associate represents NCBG both within and outside the institution with professionalism, collegiality, integrity, and respect for others. NCBG Associates will conduct their research and other activities in accordance with the NCBG Mission. NCBG Associates performing research will normally have a Ph.D. in a field that accords with NCBG’s Mission, and applicants with a terminal Master’s or Bachelor’sdegree will be considered on a case-by-case basis. NCBG Associates may conduct tasks onsite at NCBG but are primarily based elsewhere.

Become a NCBG Associate
Read our NCBG Associate policies and procedures and apply to become one.
Apply for a Research Permit
Apply for a permit to perform research or collect specimens on NCBG administered lands.

Current Research Associates

Herbarium Associates

Patricia Gensel, Ph.D., Biology Department, UNC-CH,  Curator of Fossils
H. Van T. Cotter, Ph.D., Mycology
Paul Gabrielson, Ph.D., Phycology
Wesley Knapp, Western Regional Ecologist/Botanist, NC Natural Heritage Program
Richard LeBlond, Yaupon & Dahoon, Inc., Richland NC Division
Gary Perlmutter, NC Division of Water Resources, Lichenology
Bruce Sorrie, Yaupon & Dahoon, Inc., Whispering Pines Division
Scott Zona, Ph.D., Botany

Plant Conservation Associates

Joel Kingsolver, Ph.D., Biology Department, UNC-CH
Allen Hurlbert, Ph.D., Biology Department, UNC-CH
Bob Peet, Ph.D., Biology Department, UNC-CH
Peter White, Ph.D., Biology Department, UNC-CH