An annual exhibit

This autumn marks the 36th annual Sculpture in the Garden exhibit. Sculpture in the Garden unites the work of local artists with the native plant landscapes of the North Carolina Botanical Garden. Together, they invite you to experience art, the natural world, and the relationship between the two in a new way.

Preview Party

Saturday, September 14; 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Meet the artists, get first viewing of the show, enjoy beverages & hors d’oeuvres, and have the first chance to purchase pieces. You’ll also learn the winners of Best in Show and Honorable Mention awards, chosen by a jurist. $40 per person; tickets are limited.

Get Preview Party tickets

36th Annual Sculpture in the Garden

Sunday, September 15 – Sunday, December 8
9 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesdays-Saturdays, 1-5 p.m. Sundays (normal Garden hours)
Closed Mondays and University holidays

  • Free; donations welcome
  • Take a self-guided tour with the show program and interpretive signs.
  • Explore the show with a kids’ sculpture scavenger hunt
  • Sculptures are for sale in our Garden Shop unless marked otherwise, but all remain on site through the end of the show.

Participating Artists

Nana Abreu Scott Harris
Theresa Arico Margaret Henschel
Joseph Pio Asterita Franklin Holder
Stewart Beavers Karen Ives
Julie Berkowitz David Jones
Virginia Bethea Tinka Jordy
Colleen Black Semelka Cathy Kiffney
Brick Bordon Beau Lyday
Brenda Brokke Jenny Marsh
Courtney Cappa Mac McCusker
Irena Cepulyte Jacqueline Mehring
TJ Christiansen Susan Moffatt
Joe Coates William Moore
Sylvia Cobb Elizabeth Paley
Alina Cochran Kay Parks
Pat Day José Pereira
RJ Dobs Gaylord Picard
Peter Dugan Ryan Rakouskas
Aaron Earley Anna Schroeder
Sue Estelle-Freeman Wendy Scott
Maready Evergreen Helen Seebold
Steve Fagan Hamidou Sissoko
Lawrence Feir Jason Smith
Holly Felice Sam Spiczka
Karen Stevens Fisher Kimberly Sudkamp
MK Gabriel Gary Taber
Joann Galarza Vega Douglas Tilden
Jim Gallucci Anju Tumuluri
Amy Jo Gelber Michael Waller
Greg Goodall Bronwyn Watson
Forrest Greenslade Andrew Wilson
Nancy Hardin Roberta Wood
Laura Harris Kathryn Zoppo

Thank you, Event Hosts!


Anne Harris
Vikram & Susan Rao


Becky & Munroe Cobey
Jane Preyer & Lark Hayes


Patricia Beyle
Amy Helwig Dunlap & Ken Dunlap
Kim & Peter Fox
Paula Noell & Palmer Page
Charlotte Offerdahl & Grady Burgin
Charles & Sue Plambeck
Sims Preston & Posy Stone

Sculpture in the Garden History

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