An annual exhibit

Sculpture in the Garden

Since its inception in 1988, Sculpture in the Garden has united the work of local artists with the curated landscapes of the North Carolina Botanical Garden to create a stunning and novel way to experience sculpture, the natural world, and the relationship between the two. The 2024 show ran from September 15 to December 8.

DeBerry Gallery for Botanical Art & lllustration

The DeBerry Gallery hosts rotating exhibits of nature art and natural landscape subjects. Exhibits change every two months and feature work by local artists in a variety of media.

Paul Green Cabin

Nestled within our Mountain Habitat is the cabin where renowned North Carolina playwright, activist, and naturalist Paul Green did much of his writing. The cabin was moved to the Garden and restored in 1991. Walking into the cabin is like stepping back 100 years in time. Take a seat and learn more about Paul Green's literary and botanical legacy!

Educational Exhibits

We feature a rotating series of educational exhibits in the Pegg Exhibit Hall, as well as traveling exhibits available for borrowing by towns and organizations. Learn about birds, pollinators, seeds, and more!

Currently featured in the Pegg Exhibit Hall: Saving Our Savannas.