
Weddings Extend your love for one another in a beautiful, natural setting with a green wedding ceremony and reception at the Garden. The North Carolina Botanical Garden is an ideal…

Special Events

Special Events Celebrate your birthday, reunion, or special occasion in one of our spectacular settings for a memorable occasion at the North Carolina Botanical Garden. Our guiding mission is “to…

Build-a-Birdhouse – Family Workshop

…learn about eastern bluebirds and build a birdhouse for this cavity-nesting songbird. You’ll also learn how to monitor and take care of your nest box. All supplies included. Register Here…

Blue Wild Indigo at Penny’s Bend

…opportunity to see rare flora at Penny’s Bend Nature Preserve, owned by the Army Corps of Engineers, and managed by the North Carolina Botanical Garden. Baptisia aberrans is an imperiled…

Spring Break Camp

…Send your nature lover to a week full of hands-on outdoor discovery celebrating the change of season. What’s stirring in the pond, sprouting from the soil, and emerging in the