Colored Pencil Techniques for Plants of the Savannas – Virtual


This course will focus on drawing botanicals in colored pencil and is designed for artists new to botanical drawing and those wishing to refresh their skills. The course will cover the basic techniques that form the foundation of colored pencil art including pencil strokes, pencil pressure, layering, blending and burnishing. During the three-day program, students will work on two projects featuring plants native to southeastern savannas. Instructor will provide group instruction and individual feedback of student progress. All levels are welcome.


Virtual Lunchbox Talk – Fire suppression and reintroduction in longleaf pine-wiregrass ecosystems in Georgia


Longleaf pine-wiregrass ecosystems of the southeastern United States are adapted to frequent low-intensity fires, which maintain open, savanna-like
landscapes and foster high species richness within the ground cover plant community. Using data from long-term vegetation monitoring plots, we document that fire suppression results in a precipitous decline in species richness after only a couple of missed fire-return intervals. Following 15 years of fire suppression, we reintroduced fire to a subset of plots. Four fires and five years later, we are starting to see evidence of recovery toward pre-fire suppression conditions. Factors influencing recovery include site history, soil moisture, and plot spatial scale as well as midstory basal area, oak leaf litterfall, and ground cover biomass.