The Arthur S. DeBerry Gallery for Botanical Art & Illustration, a side-room inside the Pegg Exhibit Hall, features two-dimensional botanical and nature-inspired art by local artists. Exhibits rotate every two months.

Are you an artist interested in showing in the gallery? Learn more on our Artist Information page.

July 2 – August 18, 2024

Flower Kaleidoscope Photography
Minnie Gallman

Exhibit Reception: Sunday, July 14, 2-4 p.m.

Mosaic of three plant kaleidoscope images by Minnie Gallman


This photography exhibit displays the beauty of flowers in a unique way: kaleidoscopes that portray flowers and other plant parts as abstract images that highlight their color, tone and texture. Each kaleidoscope will be accompanied by a print of the original plant.


Late August to Late October

Work by the Certificate in Botanical Art & Illustration Graduates
Maya Barton, Penny Chen, Judy Lutter, Sandra Redfern