Blue Wild Indigo at Penny’s Bend

North Carolina Botanical Garden 100 Old Mason Farm Road, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

This hike will provide a wonderful opportunity to see rare flora at Penny’s Bend Nature Preserve, owned by the Army Corps of Engineers, and managed by the North Carolina Botanical Garden. Baptisia aberrans is an imperiled species at the state level and survives in only a small number of remnant Piedmont prairie or savanna patches. The Garden’s management practices at Penny’s Bend has favored a variety of prairie and savanna flora.

About 2 miles in length, much of this hike is on primitive trails over uneven terrain, with one short, steep climb up from the river. Wear sturdy hiking footwear and bring insect repellent, water, and a walking stick, if you ever use one.


Lifelong Longleaf Hike: Carvers Creek

The longleaf pine story continues as we explore one of the best examples of a longleaf pine savanna remaining in North Carolina. Venus flytraps, pitcher plants and other carnivorous plants dot the grassy landscape under the dappled shade of longleaf pines in this Nature Conservancy Preserve.


Longleaf Pine Restoration Project Tour with the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina

Lumbee Tribe Cultural Center

Visit a longleaf pine restoration project at the Cultural Center of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina in Pembroke, NC. Learn about history, culture, and future plans. For those interested, you can convene with Kevin at Fuller’s BBQ in Pembroke after the program for additional conversation and community.
