Andrew Clark Mathews

…by him. Our vascular plant specimens are available at , and our moss, liverwort and hornworts are available at . Mathews usually signed his name as “A. C….

Nandina Fruits Can Be Toxic to Birds

…pathologists reported on the deaths of dozens of cedar waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum) in southern Georgia in the United States. Upon performing necropsies, they found that the birds had consumed nandina…

Loan & Accession Policy

…Curator. Permission for removal of material is contingent upon adherence to the following guidelines: Leaf material, pollen, spores, etc. may be removed from specimens only when adequate material is available….

Plant Materials of the Atlantic Southeast

…Farm, Rural Advancement Foundation International and the Farmers of Color Network. By sharing seed with these producers we are working towards diversifying the species available in the commercial seed market….

Clyde Ritchie Bell

…1967-1971. Regnum Vegetabile, Volume 90. Utrecht, Netherlands: Published by Oosthoek’s Uitgevermaatschappij for the International Bureau for Plant Taxonomy and Nomenclature. ii, 539 pp. 1973 (with J. Edison Adams, Victor A….

Saving the Crystal Skipper

…plants in the barrier island dune system that provide nectar. The state parks at either end of the skipper’s range have an adequate supply of seaside little bluestem and will…


…U.S. In 2015, the UNC Carolina Apps Program teamed up with NCU Herbarium and NCBG staff to develop the iPhone/iPad application FloraQuest. This app allowed for mobile identification of over…