Peggy-Ann Wetmore Kessler Duke

…identification of seedlings of some prominent woody species in eight forest types in Puerto Rico” (Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 1965), included 182 of Peggy’s technical illustrations and reportedly…

What’s Your Flavor? Special Event

…of art inspired by food-related pieces in the Museum’s collection. These artists include: John Beerman, Hannah Dodson, Carlos Gonzalez Garcia, Anne Hobgood, Senora Lynch, Chieko Murasugi, Jermaine “JP” Powell, and…

Anne Cabell, CCCG beekeeper

by Abby Zaleski, Communications Student In 2010, Anne Cabell had been looking for an interesting way that she could give back to the community. After hearing about the garden and…

Richard J. LeBlond

…12(1): 58-59. LeBlond, R. J. (2018) Coleataenia longifolia subsp. combsii (Poaceae: Paniceae) in Canada. In: Weakley et al., Taxonomic innovations in the southeastern U.S. flora. J. Bot. Res. Inst. Texas…

Charles Henry Hitchcock

…Dartmouth College as a gift in 2002. It seems likely that Hitchcock and Barrows botanized together during family visits. Hitchcock seems to have been interested in a wide variety of…

Charles Norman Horn

…in Fairfax, Virginia and earned a B. S. in Biology from George Mason University in 1978. He earned a M.S. in Environmental Biology from The Ohio State University in Columbus,…

Evelyn McNeill Sims Native Plant Lectures

…Conservation in the 21st Century 2018 John Harris, director, Monadnock Institute of Nature, Place and Culture at Franklin Pierce University In the Footsteps of Spring: Retracing Naturalists Edwin Way Teale…

Rene Pomerleau

…parasitic infections, notably that which caused Dutch elm disease, whose presence he diagnosed in Canada in 1944. He was also distinguished by his work on decay in coniferous trees, a…