Survey Says…

…results from the 183 Garden participants. Some of the key takeaways from this group include: Thinking ahead to when people are able to go out again, what are you most…


…in the hallways are kept locked; a master key is available from herbarium staff. Families are arranged in the Englerian sequence. Within each family, the genera are sorted alphabetically. Each…

Wildflowers of the Atlantic Southeast

…blue, orange, green, and brown flowers. Introductory information offers an explanation of the key plant parts and information on plant names. Species profiles include color photographs and range maps. Published…

Don Edgar Eyles

…E. (1963) The Species of Simian Malaria: Taxonomy, Morphology, Life Cycle, and Geographical Distribution of the Monkey Species. The Journal of Parasitology 49(6): 866-887. Eyles, Don E.; Warren, McWilson (1963)…

Edward Willis Graves

…had tried for a passport, but as the war was on, and as all ablebodied men were needed at home, it was refused me. But in October, 1919, I succeeded…

Stanley Adair Cain

…list): Cain, Stanley A. (1927) Airplane photography and ecological mapping. Proc. Indiana Academy of Science [complete citation needed] — (1930) Certain floristic affinities of the trees and shrubs of the…