The North Carolina Botanical Garden is proud to partner with the Durham County Library, Sarah P. Duke Gardens, NC A&T, and other local organizations for The African American Legacy in Gardening and Horticulture Symposium on Saturday, March 30, 2024 at the Hayti Heritage Center in Durham.
The African American Legacy in Gardening and Horticulture Symposium will explore the unsung historical legacy of African American plantspeople, horticulturalists, residential gardeners, and gardening clubs. These personal narratives and generational gardening practices have all too often been ignored, overlooked, or not fully appreciated within the framework of American landscape history, global ethno-botanical viewpoints, and contemporary environmental writing.
This one-day symposium brings together a cadre of horticulturalists, historians, beautification advocates and plantspeople to celebrate the contributions made by these gardening innovators and modern-day practitioners, while further educating and enlightening the public and future generations of plant lovers. Registration is free.