Ken E. Rogers

…Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 95(5): 423-424. Rogers, Ken E. and J.K. Underwood (1968) Some noteworthy Tennessee plants. Castanea 33(3): 260-261. SOURCES: 1. accessed on 19 May 2021. 2. Rogers,…

What’s Your Flavor? Special Event

…Mary Knierim*, Eugenie “Gigi” McDonald*, Pippa Merrick, Miriam Sagasti*, and Ruta Schuller*. The exhibit also contains many fun interactive components like recipe cards to take home. One of the recipes…

Stuck at Home, not Stuck Inside

We care deeply about the health and well-being of our visitors, staff, and volunteers. As part of the University community, the North Carolina Botanical Garden operates under the same conditions…

Hugo Leander Blomquist

…love for the soil and the out-of-doors. He became a naturalized citizen in 1900 and, after completing his secondary education in the public schools of North Dakota, entered the University…

William Battle Cobb

…in 1918. He spent 1919 at the Air Service Flying School at Post Field, Oklahoma, and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Air Service, Officers Reserve Corps. In…

Robert Rolland Brinker, O. F. M.

…upon the completion of his masterpiece, the roast suckling pig. He was chief cook on summer school trips to Florida and the Southwest and would work equally hard to produce…

John Robert Raper

…of mutations in common-A heterokaryons of Schizophyllum commune. Z. Vererbungsl., 89:540-58. Raper, John R. and G.S. Krongelb (1958) Genetic and environmental aspects of fruiting in Schizophyllum commune Fr. Mycologia, 50:707-740….

William Willard Ashe

…served as Secretary of the National Forest Reservation Commission (1918-1924), vice-president of the Society of American Foresters (1919), and chairman of the Forest Service Tree Name Committee (1930-1932). In 1906…