William Willard Ashe

newspaper, the Evening Crescent. In 1879 he purchased the Raleigh Observer, and in 1881 the Daily News, joining both papers as the News and Observer – which is still a…

Francis Stuart Chapman

The 1930 US census has Stuart Chapman still living in Winston-Salem, but now his occupation is listed as “Proprietor, News Dealer; Industry: Newspaper Stand.” (9) Chapman collected only sporadically in…

Stuck at Home, not Stuck Inside

…(Experiences Promoting Learning Outdoors for Research and Education) is an incentive-based citizen science program for children in grades K-8. Developed by The North Carolina Arboretum, this innovative pilot program combines…

Mary Steed Stipe Eyles

…Mr. Russell said. “Frankly, in this day and age, she would be fired.” He bemoaned the fact that today most students don’t have that kind of relationship with a teacher….

Eugène Poilane

…in 1909. He worked at the naval arsenal for some years, until he chanced to meet naturalist Auguste Chevalier, who after the First World War appointed Poilane as a prospector…

Jacob Fredric Brenckle

there are a few manuscripts on raising bees. The collection also offers valuable insight into the lives and work of academics in the early 1900’s, and contemporary thoughts on World


…data. Our collections include: Fungi and lichenized fungi from around the world, with a focus on specimens from Southeastern United States (ca. 38,000 specimens) Algae from around the world focusing…

George Bowyer Rossbach

…Eskimos and a couple of white men led by Mr. Ruttan who were ear-tagging swimming caribou from motored canoes, aided by Eskimos, in a wildlife research study. Eskimos here still…