Alpheus Wesley Blizzard

…The abundant, successional Bayberry of Blizzard is reduced to a few unthrifty clumps along the edges of the trails near the summit. There is a scattering of mature, unhappy Red…

Herbarium Identifies Ten New Species in July

  By Bao Anh Tran, Communications Intern Hidden amid similar specimens, differing only in its “weirdness,” a new plant discovered by herbarium associate Kevan Schoonover McClelland was finally given a…

Green Features

…for toilet flushing and other non-potable uses Eight cisterns collect rainwater for use in irrigation Rainwater gardens and retention swales use water-loving plants to capture and filter stormwater before it…

Leva Belle Walker

…accessed on 20 January 2014. 2. MyCoPortal . 2023. Accessed on July 19. 3. Cache from 20 December 2013 16:53:51 GMT of 4. accessed on 20 January…


…grains, egg shells, coffee grounds, coffee filters and tea bags, old flower arrangements. Sorry, we do not accept: Meat and dairy products, leftovers, food cooked in oil, paper products, non-biodegradable…

Charles Ferson Durant

…Aeronaut, born about 1805, died in Jersey City, 2d March, 1873. He made a balloon ascension in 1833, from the battery in New York, which was one of the first…