New Species of Foamflower

…stolons, shape of the basal leaves, and presence/absence of leaves on the flowering stem. When the plants are sorted by these physical characters, the five entities are remarkably consistent in…

Therapeutic Horticulture: FAQs

…self-awareness and healthy interpersonal relationships. Spiritual Goal: Increase sense of connection and belonging. Vocational Goal: Increase workplace communication skills. *All of these goals are based on evidence-based research outcomes performed…

Photography Sessions

Photography Sessions Photographers, videographers, and artists are welcome to use the North Carolina Botanical Garden display collections, nature trails, Coker Arboretum, or Battle Park for photography sessions. We hope that…

NCBGF Officers and Directors

…businesses become better leaders, make better decisions and get better results. Originally from the Netherlands, Niels enjoys giving back to his community and is an avid birder. He enjoys exploring…

Kitchen Sink

Heading Styles Paragraph text: Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu…

Ellsworth Bethel

…Holmgren. accessed on 29 August 2017. 11. Pers. comm. Email Nekola to McCormick 29 August 2017. 12. “Oreohelix.” WMSDB – Worldwide Mollusc Species Data Base by Bagni Liggia, Genova,…

Dear Friends of the Herbarium,

…to be accessible, with keys that use non-flowering and non-fruiting features, geog- raphy, and habitat as much as possible; introductory chapters on habitats and places to see native plants; and…

Mary Eugenia Wharton

…was also a collaboration with Barbour and is considered to be the result of a lifetime of research on the Inner Bluegrass region. Wharton was very passionate about the uniqueness…