Video: Bringing Back Piedmont Prairies

…few remaining grasslands. This week, the partnership released two videos documenting the history of these prairies – and what we’re doing to bring them back from the brink. The videos

George Bowyer Rossbach

…George B. Rossbach. No doubt many more specimens collected by him will be found as we continue to catalog our collections. Though Rossbach collected worldwide, most specimens curated by NCU…

Arthur Oliver Tucker, III

…at Delaware State University. Other herbaria curating Tucker’s specimens include Rutgers University (CHRB) and University of Maryland (MARY). “On Monday, August 5, 2019, Arthur Oliver Tucker III, husband, father, and

Rene Pomerleau

…Can. 111 (3): 329). Rene Pomerleau died in Quebec City on 11 October 1993. The Rene Pomerleau Herbarium (QFB), located at the Canadian Forest Services’ Laurentian Forestry Centre, 1055 rue…

Miriam Kresses Slifkin

…was published in the News and Observer on 30 August, 2020: Chapel Hill, NC: Miriam Kresses Slifkin lived her life with grit and determination. She was cherished by her family,…