Mary Steed Stipe Eyles

…Mr. Russell said. “Frankly, in this day and age, she would be fired.” He bemoaned the fact that today most students don’t have that kind of relationship with a teacher….

John White Chickering, Jr.

…vascular plants collected by Chickering unless otherwise indicated. Academy of Natural Sciences (PH), Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT, BRIT: SMU), Brown University (BRU), Butler University (BUT), California Botanic Garden…

Gerald McCarthy

…high-road and byway, bog and mountain peak, ever on the look-out for floral strangers, whom they ruthlessly sacrifice to the glue-and-paper deity.” — Gerald McCarthy The University of North Carolina…

Miklos Treiber

… accessed on 2 April 2020. 2. Chang, Julien. 2011. After 4o years, bookstore’s story near the end. The News Herald, 3 Feb. 2011. accessed on 2 April 2020….

Philip French-Carson Greear

…earned both his M.A. and Ph.D. degrees at that institution. Other herbaria curating Greear’s vascular plant specimens include Auburn University (AUA), Botanical Research Institute of Texas (BRIT), Carnegie Museum of…

Devoted to Dalea

…which can retard water loss in the dry habitats in which they grow. It prefers to live in open sandy areas on ridge tops, pretty much a horrible place to…

Q & A with President Greg Fitch

…have I made the distinction between native and exotic plants. I’d always been curious about natives – I mean, you can’t live in the South without noticing the havoc exotic…

Madeline Palmer Burbanck

…“Burbanck Park,” and it is owned and managed as greenspace by Emory University. In addition to research on the flora of granite outcrops, Madeline Burbanck was a research collaborator with…