Egbert Hamilton Walker

…Egbert responded to a notice in the university newspaper that led to a position as a secondary school teacher in biology at Canton Christian College, later Lingnan University, in China……

Samuel B. Jones, Jr.

…Rodora 89: 35-40. Jones, S. B. 1983. Director’s report. Newsletter, University of Georgia, The Friends of the Botanical Garden 12(1): 3-6. Jones, S. B. 1982. Director’s report. Newsletter, University of…

Random Walk through the Herbarium

…says Scott Ward, research botanist at NCBG. “Many of us in the botanical world have taken little time to learn the various ecologies, habitat requirements, and tedious scale architectures of…

Carnivorous Conservation

…plant, it’s an opportunity to live a little longer in a habitat nearly barren of nutrients. The Venus flytrap, and carnivorous plants like them, are oddities of the plant world….

Elbert Thomas Bartholomew

…for the summer of 1912 which he spent at Wood’s Hole Biological Station. He was awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in 1914. His research was concerned with “A…

Therapeutic Horticulture

…Therapy program on UNC-TV’s North Carolina Science Now Therapeutic Horticulture Courses Our Hybrid Certificate in Therapeutic Horticulture program runs on a fixed schedule from approximately August to April each year….