Virtual Webinar – Pine Tree Pharmacy

Register Here with Arvis Boughman, Author, Lumbee Indian Tribe Member Date: Thursday, March 7, 2024 Time: 6:30 – 7:30 PM ET Location: Virtual Fee: Free; preregistration required During this talk,…

Loan & Accession Policy

…custody and return of the specimens. Loans are made without charge or service fee; it is expected that the borrowing institution will pay the costs of return shipment. Specimens must…

Clyde Ritchie Bell

…Lindsey). The umbel as a reproductive unit in the Apiaceae, pp. [739]-747. In A.-M. Cauwet-Marc and J. Carbonnier (editors.), Les Ombellifères: Contributions Pluridisciplinaires à la Systématique: Actes du 2e Symposium…

Henry Ashby Rankin

…here their most congenial surroundings. But Grass-of-Parnassus does not star the meadows during the steaming season, instead, the “Eyebright,” its local name, times its first flowers to come just two…

Devoted to Dalea

…fire suppressed for ten or more years, but does well in frequently burned sites, such as in managed conservation lands.”2 I hope you have gained a newfound respect and appreciation…