Land Acknowledgement

…action to advocate for and support the agendas of Native communities. The Garden and Foundation aspire to understand and share a complete history of the land we steward. Indigenous Land…

Lillian E. Arnold

…724-740. 3. accessed on 25 October, 2006. 4. Murrill, William A. 1940. Additions to the Florida fungi II. Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 67(1): 57-66. 5. Fourteenth Census…

Arthur Oliver Tucker, III

…was an accomplished artist, as evidenced by his gardening, cooking, concrete sculptures, painting, botanical illustrations, and stencil work. He was a voracious reader and had amassed a library full of…

Douglas Dwight Sharp

…collected for his Master’s thesis, “The phytosociology of the weed communities of Scotland County, North Carolina” which he completed in 1974 with advisor Dr. Helmut Leith in the University of…

Charles Fuller Baker

…of tuberculosis had neither money nor friends to care for him. Baker took the money he had put aside for the trip and sent the lad to the mountains. For…

Andrew Harvey Young

…Young. The photo (above) of Dr. Young was taken ca. 1890-1910 by George William Allison (courtesy of the Duggan Library Photo Archive, Hanover College). In addition to NCU other herbaria…

Philip French-Carson Greear

…environment because he had seen much devastation during World War II and because he grew up in the mountains of Northeast Georgia. He was a pioneer in using the Georgia…