Edward Avery McIlhenny

…Auk 56(4): 472-474. McIlhenny, E. A. 1939. An unusual migration of Broad-winged Hawks. The Auk 56(2): 182-183. McIlhenny, E. A. 1938. Whooping Crane in Louisiana. Auk 55: 670. McIlhenny, E….

Charles Fuller Baker

…of tuberculosis had neither money nor friends to care for him. Baker took the money he had put aside for the trip and sent the lad to the mountains. For…

Albion Reed Hodgdon

…Galapagos Islands. He had a particular interest in the taxonomy of Rubus and the floristics and phytogeography of coastal Maine and eastern Canada. Dr. Hodgdon oversaw the integration of several…

Mary Gwendolyn Burton Caldwell

…1964. He died in 1977.1 Together they had two children, Harmon W. Caldwell, Jr. and Edea M. Caldwell. “She never let her subscriptions to scientific journals lapse…she filled her garden…

Wendell P. Smith

…of the Slate-colored Junco. The Auk 53(2): 222-223. —. 1937. Some Bluebird observations. Bird-Banding 8(1): 25-30. —. 1937. Further notes on the nesting of the Barn Swallow. The Auk 54(1):…

Charles Ronald Dillon

…Carolina estuary. Masters thesis, Dept. of Botany, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.   SOURCES: 1. https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/greenvilleonline/name/charles-dillon-obituary?id=8767476 accessed on 28 May, 2023 2. SERNEC Data Portal. 2023. http//:sernecportal.org/index.php. Accessed…

Charles Henry Hitchcock

…his wife, Orra White. This mother had such classical learning and scientific and artistic talent that “she could read the Greek Testament and calculate eclipses”… [Charles] completed the classical and…