Elizabeth Kathleen Goldie-Smith

…Goldie-Smith, who usually signed her labels as “E.K.G.S.” Our fungal collection is being cataloged into the searchable on-line database, www.mycoportal.org As we continue to catalog our fungi it is probable…

Eloise Wicker Knight

…(b. 1919), who earned his degree in Pharmacy from UNC-Chapel Hill in 1951. The Knights had two sons and one daughter: Alan Wicker Knight (b. 1958), Kevin Richard Knight, and…

Peggy-Ann Wetmore Kessler Duke

…Connor. 2021. Remembering Peggy-Ann Wetmore Kessler Duke. HerbalEGram, issue 9. https://www.herbalgram.org/resources/herbalegram/volumes/volume-18/issue-9-september-2021/news-and-features-1/peggy-duke-obituary/ accessed on 26 July 2022 3. Obituary, Peggy-Ann Kessler Duke. https://www.goinghomecares.com/obituaries/Peggy-Ann-Kessler-Duke?obId=20619090 accessed on 26 July 2022.      …

Therapeutic Horticulture

…We have also developed an Online Certificate in Therapeutic Horticulture for students who need the flexibility to take classes at the pace, timing, and location of their choosing. The online

New Virginia Gems in the Herbarium

…to locate potentially special habitats and plant communities. The advent of SERNEC.org and other online herbarium databases has opened up many new possibilities for these kinds of research and made…

Steven Worth Leonard

…Plant of the Week: Big-leaf witch-hazel (Hamamelis ovalis). https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/plant-of-the-week/hamamelis_ovalis.shtml accessed on 20 February 2021. Obituary: Steven Worth Leonard. The Lexington Dispatch, Lexington, North Carolina. Posted online 18 August, 2022. https://www.the-dispatch.com/obituaries/plex0281187…

Charles Ferson Durant

…result is characteristic of the man. To him the book had no money-value — or rather, it had a value too great to be expressed in terms of dollars or…

Rene Pomerleau

…in Montreal.1 In 1940, Laval’s School of Surveying and Forest Engineering adopted a new curriculum, and Rene Pomerleau (b. 1904) was appointed professor of forest pathology. Pomerleau had been teaching…

Richard Halsted Ward

…practical applications of science. His original work in the advancement of science has been mostly in the direction of microscopy, in which he was among the first to apply the…

Louis Hermann Pammel

…Ecology 10(2): 251-256. Pammel, Louis H. and Charlotte M. King (1930?) Honey Plants of Iowa. Iowa Geological Survey [incomplete citation]   Sources: http://www.public.iastate.edu/~isu150/history/pammel.htmlaccessed on 19 July 2017. 2. http://www.waysofenlichenment.net/lichens/Bacidia%20coprodes accessed…