Spelunking in The Caves of Chapel Hill

…one with the surname of “Cave” or “Caves” — but that did not rule out that these hypothetical troglodytes lived in rural Orange County or Durham County. Neither of these…

Dear Friends of the Herbarium,

today viewed as primary sources for information on southeastern U.S plants—information that is a foundational tool used by botanists, foresters, horticulturists, conservationists, and students throughout the U.S. With help from…

Video: Bringing Back Piedmont Prairies

…few remaining grasslands. This week, the partnership released two videos documenting the history of these prairies – and what we’re doing to bring them back from the brink. The videos

Hardy Bryan Croom

…discovered one of the rarest of coniferous trees, which he named Toreya taxifolium [sic]. There are four species of this tree, of remarkable distribution, according to the “New International Encyclopedia,”…

Robert Kenneth Godfrey

…grasses in North Carolina. Castanea 17(2): 73-77. Fox, William B., R. K. Godfrey, and H. L. Blomquist. 1950. Notes on distribution of North Carolina plants—II. Rhodora 52 (623): 253-271. Fox,…

Paul W. Gabrielson

…Carolina Botanical Garden Newsletter in 2010. Videos about algae presented by AlgaeBase. ##### PUBLICATIONS Thesis Gabrielson, Paul W. (1980) Morphological studies of selected Northern Hemisphere genera in the family Solieriaceae,…