Budd Elmon Smith

Kannapolis in the school. Mr. Cannon saw Wingate as a place where the children of textile workers and others in the middle class might receive opportunities in higher education. He…

Josiah Hale

…Louisiana, moved to New Orleans, and took up the study of Louisiana flora. Riddell contributed a manuscript work — Plants of Louisiana to the Smithsonian Institution in 1851. The manuscript…

Richard J. LeBlond

…Provincetown Conservation Trust. This work led to an increasing interest in botany and the odd yet fortuitous belief that no one would take him seriously if he did not learn…

Charles Clinton Lindley, Jr.

…Inc., 2012. http://woodlin.net/merged%20pedigree/3533.htm?fbclid=IwAR2plHtxLudWw3LCpYAGy3hn7nJv_h-kTXIKaLwQiN5zSdJXydyDXWD0Af8 accessed on 14 September 2020. Yackety yack, 1954. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. (College yearbook; page 86.)   Many thanks to Terri Buckner and to…

New Species of Foamflower

…home using its Latin name, which means “little crown.” Others would call it “foamflower.” It’s easy to recognize and a beautiful plant growing in beautiful places. Perhaps fewer know that…

Robert Rolland Brinker, O. F. M.

…upon the completion of his masterpiece, the roast suckling pig. He was chief cook on summer school trips to Florida and the Southwest and would work equally hard to produce…

William Battle Cobb

…are two ways in which an airplane may be used to advantage in soil survey work. One of these is by enabling the surveyor to make direct observations from the…

Andrew Harvey Young

Manual of the Botany of Jefferson County [Indiana], published in 1871.   “Professor Young often took his students on natural science expeditions into the surrounding woods of Hanover College and…

Alpheus Wesley Blizzard

…Blizzard’s partial list (137 species) of woody and non-woody species seen at Jayne’s Hill with those observed today shows few surprises. Overall, the species (at least the woody ones) of…

Alton McCaleb Harvill, Jr.

…Murray State Teachers College for two years. After completing some classes at the University of Idaho, he finished his undergraduate work at the University of Kentucky (UK), receiving his B.S….