Orchids: Masters of Deception

…his first book after On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin had used these nectar-producing tubes as examples of the precise adaptions of complex structures by natural selection. In this…

Arbor Renovation Party at the Dead Mule

…There is also a pay lot directly behind the Dead Mule with free parking on Sundays. For more parking info visit www.parkonthehill.com Registration: Register online here or on-site Sunday, June…

Joachim Heinrich Schuette

…head cashier at the Kellogg-Citizens National Bank; Sibyl Schuette, was Head Librarian of the Brown County [Wisconsin] Public Library from 1932 to 1956; and Henry Schuette became a professor of…

Mordecai Elisha Hyams

…Society 117(4): 240-248.   ——————————————————————————————- Selected Publications Authored by Mordecai Elisha Hyams Hyams, M.E. (1885) A preliminary list of additions to Curtis’ catalogue of indigenous and naturalized plants of North…

Velma Dare Matthews

…of 1935 the writer [Dr. Velma Dare Matthews] found a most unusual fungus growing on a small dead fly in a pool in a depression of a large rock on…

Josiah Hale

…http://www.tulane.edu/~darwin/Herbarium/Herbarium/Herbarium%20History.htm http://www.huh.harvard.edu/libraries/archives/RIDDELL.html Torrey and Gray (1842) A Flora of North America 2: 304. Small (1898) Studies in the botany of the southeastern United States XV. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 25(12):…

George Shuford Ramseur

…of the William R. Laurie University Archives & Special Collections, The University of the South. Ramseur married Ruth Tate Anderson on 6 June 1953, and together they had three children….

Maeburn Bruce Huneycutt

…a complicated man—I found letters from students who had him as a professor many years ago. They continued to write him and obviously had very deep affection for him,” says…

Lewis Henry Lighthipe

…meetings with much regularity until the infirmities of advancing age made it necessary for him to give up the trips from his New Jersey home, and finally led him to…