Walking with Walter and William

(NC): North Carolina Biodiversity Project and North Carolina State Parks. Available from https://auth1.dpr.ncparks.gov/flora/index.php 2. Wikipedia contributors. “Thomas Walter (botanist).” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 20 Apr. 2022.

George Bowyer Rossbach

larger animals as any and better than most: migrating herds of caribou, muskoxen in the Thelon sanctuary, wolves, and up-river, the barrenground grizzly. Some Eskimos still hunt caribou along its

Lichen Updates: new name and new county records

McKay, Alex. 2018. Eagles Nest Hotel fire remembered at the tragedy’s centennial. The Mountaineer. April 23, 2018. https://www.themountaineer.com/news/eagles-nest-hotel-fire-remembered-at-the-tragedys-centennial/article_644caa6c-44d7-11e8-8b20-3f41a4dd889c.html accessed on 28 March 2023.              

Katherine Augusta Taylor

(USF), Towson University (BALT), Texas A&M (TAES), New York Botanical Garden (NY), Missouri Botanical Garden (MO), Michigan State University (MSC), Miami]}** University (MU), Harvard University (GH), Field Museum (F), Carnegie

Happy Birthday, Psilocybe!

Hill, near the confluence of Tanbark Branch and Bolin Creek.5 1918 topographic map of Chapel Hill that shows “Fern Bank Walk” to be near present-day Umstead Park, near the confluence

Mordecai Elisha Hyams

(KANU: vascular plants), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor (MICH: vascular plants), University of Minnesota (MIN: vascular plants), University of Vermont (VT: vascular plants) and University of Wisconsin, Madison (WIS: vascular

Leva Belle Walker

were among thirteen Christian missionaries sent to the Oregon Mission. The Walkers and one other couple, Cushing and Myra Eells, established the mission at Tshimakain, near the present day town

Allen Hierome Curtiss

PORTIONS OF THE UNITED STATES, Including Virginia and Kentucky on the South, and Missouri, Iowa and Minnesota on the West. The Botany Library of the Harvard University Herbaria curates a