Paul Sackman Marx

…our classmate, Phillip Rury, Paul did lots of chromosome squashes on that genus. He became an avid kyaker. To my knowledge Paul did not complete his Ph.D., but instead went…

James Everard Benedict, Jr.

…road I noticed a fringe of Ebony Spleenwort growing on the low bank at the edge of the road. Among the plants was a fern that I took at first…

William Willard Ashe

…ward, Hannah Emerson Willard, daughter of William H. Willard, a Massachusetts manufacturer who had settled in North Carolina before the Civil War. The widowed Willard had placed his daughter in…

James Heathman Horton

9 January 1931- 5 May 2017 The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Herbarium (NCU) has cataloged over 300 vascular plant specimens collected by James Heathman Horton. As we…

Delzie Demaree

…for he had suffered a serious wound to a foot during action in France during World War I, and had been gassed during the same period of military service.2 He…

Mary Williams Ward Shanor

…As a child, she adored her cousin and best friend, Jane Highsmith, as well as Jane’s brothers George Jr. and Charles Ward. She made all A’s in the Pender County…

Charles Edward Raynal

…year to show two known locations of the plant to Dr. William Chambers Coker, head of the Botany Department at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Raynal also sent…

Ruby Deaton Harbison Pharr

…tents, prepares camp meals, and canoes thru the Okefenokee wilderness and the adjoining Suwanee River.” (4) “For many years she taught a course in the wildflowers of western North Carolina…

Orchids: Masters of Deception

…his first book after On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin had used these nectar-producing tubes as examples of the precise adaptions of complex structures by natural selection. In this…