Land Acknowledgement

…action to advocate for and support the agendas of Native communities. The Garden and Foundation aspire to understand and share a complete history of the land we steward. Indigenous Land…

Douglas Dwight Sharp

…collected for his Master’s thesis, “The phytosociology of the weed communities of Scotland County, North Carolina” which he completed in 1974 with advisor Dr. Helmut Leith in the University of…

Arthur Oliver Tucker, III

…was an accomplished artist, as evidenced by his gardening, cooking, concrete sculptures, painting, botanical illustrations, and stencil work. He was a voracious reader and had amassed a library full of…

Edward Avery McIlhenny

…shy of man, was endowed with a strong, vigorous personality — far better able to cope with the advance of civilization than its lesser companion, the Pileated Woodpecker (Ceophleus pileatus);…

Mary Gwendolyn Burton Caldwell

…1964. He died in 1977.1 Together they had two children, Harmon W. Caldwell, Jr. and Edea M. Caldwell. “She never let her subscriptions to scientific journals lapse…she filled her garden…

Charles Henry Hitchcock

…his wife, Orra White. This mother had such classical learning and scientific and artistic talent that “she could read the Greek Testament and calculate eclipses”… [Charles] completed the classical and…

Edwin Huey Bullington

…gravel road from West Fork (Washington County) to Devil’s Den… The CCC also built the first hiking trails in the park, as well as a stone dam on Lee Creek,…