Peggy-Ann Wetmore Kessler Duke

…Connor. 2021. Remembering Peggy-Ann Wetmore Kessler Duke. HerbalEGram, issue 9. accessed on 26 July 2022 3. Obituary, Peggy-Ann Kessler Duke. accessed on 26 July 2022.      …

Clyde Ritchie Bell

…Lindsey). The umbel as a reproductive unit in the Apiaceae, pp. [739]-747. In A.-M. Cauwet-Marc and J. Carbonnier (editors.), Les Ombellifères: Contributions Pluridisciplinaires à la Systématique: Actes du 2e Symposium…

Augustin Gattinger

…burned to the ground and all 50,000 specimens – including Gattinger’s – were destroyed.] REFERENCES: 1. accessed on 17 June 2011. 2. accessed on 22 October 2019 3….

Ellsworth Bethel

…on 20 June, 1863 in Ohio. His father, William Smith Bethel, was a farmer. His mother was Phebe Ann Price Bethel, and his sister, Sarah, was two years his junior….

Richard Joel Reader

…of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Reader earned a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Windsor in Ontario, Canada. He then earned a Master of…

Elam T. Bartholomew

…Science Foundation; a searchable database of those specimens can be found at NCU also curates fungi collected by Elam Bartholomew’s son, Elbert Thomas Bartholomew (1878-1967), who usually signed his…

Therapeutic Horticulture

…We have also developed an Online Certificate in Therapeutic Horticulture for students who need the flexibility to take classes at the pace, timing, and location of their choosing. The online

Peter MacOwan

…Philosophical Society. Transactions. Volume 2, part 3, pp. 111-187. SOURCES: 1. accessed on 3 November 2015. 2. accessed on 3 November 2015. [Photo of MacOwen and canine friend]…

New Virginia Gems in the Herbarium

…University of North Carolina Herbarium, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 3. Ranger, L. Scott. “Parnassia asarifolia Ventenat 1804, grass-of-parnassus.” Scott Ranger’s Nature Notes [online blog]. accessed 1 April 2021.  …