Charles Fuller Baker

…entomologist, botanist, agronomist, collector, teacher, agricultural director and dean, died at St. Luke’s Hospital in Manila, Philippine Islands, on July 22, 1927, aged fifty-five years. According to word received from…

Elsie Julia Gibson Whitney

women, who are in constant peril. “The station work is disorganized and neglected, and the native community further demoralized and increasingly unruly. As a basis for my charges of gross…

Samuel McCutchen Bain

…Agriculture. He devoted one-half of his time to this work for a number of years, working in West Tennessee, Arkansas, and Texas. While he was actively engaged in this work,…

John R. Bozeman

…for his graduate work, but Bozeman also collected throughout the Southeastern United States. NCU has a single fungal specimens collected by Bozeman, Polyporus hydnoides, from Pierce County, GA collected in…

Philip Jerome Crutchfield

…secondary collector. He assisted Carl John Burk with his doctoral work, A floristic study of the Outer Banks of North Carolina, in 1959 and 1960. Crutchfield assisted Harry E. Ahles…

Thomas Fanning Wood

…Thomas Fanning Wood, born February 23, 1841, in Wilmington, North Carolina, was the son of Robert Barclay and Mary Ann (Wilber) Wood. Young Wood attended several local schools. While at…

Spreading the Herbarium Gospel

…taxonomy. It would be exciting to find a specimen or two collected by David Augustus Williston when he taught at NC A&T in 1898!   SOURCES: 1. accessed on…

Elbert Thomas Bartholomew

…control it. The study also led to further expansion in the field of water relations. He worked out 17 papers on the internal decline of the lemon and two basic…

Walking with Walter and William

…Pine stands,” says Bruce Sorrie.1 By “well-managed” Sorrie means using prescribed fire and not raking pinestraw from the woodland. Overall, the forests of Weymouth Woods are burned every three years….