Clyde Ritchie Bell

…Lindsey). The umbel as a reproductive unit in the Apiaceae, pp. [739]-747. In A.-M. Cauwet-Marc and J. Carbonnier (editors.), Les Ombellifères: Contributions Pluridisciplinaires à la Systématique: Actes du 2e Symposium…

Paul Wilson Titman

…Box: 369. U.S. WWII Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947 [database online]. Lehi, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. 3. Pers. comm., Nicole Wallace, University of North Carolina at Chapel…

Walking with Walter and William

…Santee Canal, finished in 1800, at an immense cost… now passing through an almost trackless forest and abandoned to decay. The massive masonry work of the locks of this canal…

Photography Sessions

…and entourage: $75 for two hours Photo sessions that require minimal equipment and 1-2 subjects: $25 for two hours Once we receive your completed photography online form, we will add…

New Species of Foamflower

…population of stoloniferous plants sometimes does not include stolons. Student collectors have often overlooked this feature and even experienced ones may miss it, thus in the herbarium, collections from one…

New Virginia Gems in the Herbarium

…University of North Carolina Herbarium, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 3. Ranger, L. Scott. “Parnassia asarifolia Ventenat 1804, grass-of-parnassus.” Scott Ranger’s Nature Notes [online blog]. accessed 1 April 2021.  …

Leva Belle Walker

…accessed on 20 January 2014. 2. MyCoPortal . 2023. Accessed on July 19. 3. Cache from 20 December 2013 16:53:51 GMT of 4. accessed on 20 January…